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Robin Hood Primary School

Aiming High to Excel and Exceed


Robin Hood primary School


Times of sessions

Nursery (F1 AM) 8.30am – 11.30am Morning Session

Nursery (F1 PM) 12.15pm – 3.15pm Afternoon Session


ALL CHILDREN FROM RECEPTION (F2) through to Y6 enter between 8:45 - 8:55 when school doors are open! After 8:55, you will be asked to sign in as late. 


The end of the day is 3:20pm for everyone except Y4 and Y6 who finish at 3:25pm. This has been done to ease the end of the day "rush" of pupils leaving the school building. 


Currently All pupils from F2 - Y6 in our school have a 32.5 Hour week as required by all schools from Sept 2023.   


Robin Hood Primary School is committed to raising the educational attainment of pupils who attend the school and giving them the best possible opportunities to access education to enable them to achieve their full potential throughout their lifetime.


Regular attendance at school is a shared responsibility of parents, school and Local Education Authority. Good attendance is essential for children to attain high standards of education,


If your child is absent from school, please inform the school office of the reason by telephone as soon as possible in the morning. If the school does not receive notification of absence, or if a reason cannot be approved by the school, these are recorded as ‘unauthorised’ absences.


Parents are not permitted to take their children out of school during term time for a leave of absence unless there are exceptional circumstances. If you think a leave of absence is an ‘exceptional circumstance’ you must contact the school office and request a "leave of absence form." Requests for absence during term time will be returned to parents in writing with a school decision. 


In order for every child who attends this school to achieve their full potential, they need to attend school regularly, on time and be ready to learn.


Irregular school attendance is a contributory factor in social exclusion and underachievement. Children who do not attend school regularly are more likely to be the victim of crime themselves or to become exposed to offending behaviours by others.


The school aims to improve school attendance and punctuality by:


  • Promoting the value and importance of regular school attendance
  • Giving/providing consistent information to individuals and families
  • Reducing all forms of unauthorised absence


In order for this policy to be effective it is essential that ‘Attendance and Punctuality’ is a priority for everyone involved including parents, children, staff and governors. The importance of attendance and punctuality must start from Foundation and continue through to Year 6.