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Robin Hood Primary School

Aiming High to Excel and Exceed

Autumn Term

The children have been so busy these first two weeks back in school. 


They have been learning all about ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ in English and have also linked this to their project work where they have labelled the body of Little Red Riding Hood using fantastic phonic skills to read the words and their knowledge of the body to place them in the correct areas. 


They have been talking about classroom rules and why they are important during PSHE and showed very good understanding of how to keep safe. 


In DT they have been talking about different foods and where they come from in preparation to make a fruit salad in a couple of weeks. 


The children have now started their reading groups and were absolutely fantastic during their first session. They were also very lucky to have our wonderful Year 5s come down to start ‘Reading Buddies’. 


They have thoroughly enjoyed their first Year 1 PE session with Mr Grey and have enjoyed our active ten sessions throughout the week. 


The children have also really enjoyed challenging themselves to be the next ‘Star Writer of the Week’.


And this week we have had a wonderful parents open afternoon with an informative session to start and then a carousel of activities involving parents and children. 


Well done class Scarlett and a fabulous start to Year 1!


The children have continued their sequence of learning in DT and have now taste tested the fruit in preparation for making their fruit salads.

In English, we have been exploring the story of Snow White. Today the children drew their own story rivers from what they remembered about the story. These were excellent and very detailed!

We hold reading groups four times a week. The children have transitioned into these groups so well and have been blowing us away with their independent reading 😊

Every week we have our PSHE session. This half term we have been primarily discussing feelings and used drama in this PSHE session. The children were excellent at role playing different feelings and we had a wonderful game of feelings charades.

We have been incredibly busy! We loved visiting the church for RE and exploring objects from the past in History. We have also been busy with DT and making our fruit salads.

Children in Need 😊

Computing - we have been talking about the importance of instructions and what would happen if we didn’t have them in the correct order. We will be applying this learning to BeeBots later on in our sequence of learning.

During our Computing session this week we have been applying our instruction skills to specific directions to guide our BeeBots. We enjoyed this session, which also incorporated our phonic skills as we had to guide our BeeBots to different graphemes. 

In one of our History sessions we focused on the evolution of the telephone. We were amazed by how much telephones, and means of communication, have changed.