We all had great fun at the Y3/4 Halloween disco. The costumes were great!
To launch the new part of our topic we went to Nottingham University to meet some Vikings. We wrote in runes, learnt about burial rites, deciphered some Norse place names, and watched a battle. It was really exciting to see the shields being used!
Thanks for all the boxes that you have sent in last half term. We have been using them to build castles for our stop motion animations. Keep checking to see the movie clips when we have finished.
While weeding our garden plot from last year we discovered lots of onions. We decided to make onion bhajis with them and they tasted great. Just ask for the recipie if you want it, though be warned the onions made us cry… A lot!
We had a great day supporting Children in Need. We had plenty of spotty children, face painting and some wonderful home made costumes. Thanks to everyone who donated!
We discussed whether Miss Crawford would really be able to run across a pool of custard without sinking, and were shocked to find that it was possible! We then explored the properties of corn-starch and water. This makes a liquid that acts like a solid when a force is applied. We could roll in into a ball but as soon as we stopped moving it, it would return to its liquid state.
We have had some wonderful examples of home learning this term and here are some pictures of additional work undertaken by the children. What a great thirst for knowledge
On the 30th of November, we performed our pieces to the parents and year 3. Just remember, we have only had about 10 lessons at this point! Everyone played beautifully and collaborated as part of an Ensemble.
We are a book loving school and Miss Crawford is really pleased to announce the first group of children have collected their books from Mr Overton to celebrate their continued passion for reading. These children have all exceeded our reading expectations. In the next few weeks there will be more to come I am sure!
We are still having great fun learning the violins, violas and cellos. He is an excerpt of The Can Can, a song we have been learning for a few weeks.
In ICT we have been creating our own Viking animated movies. We also constructed our own castles and used lego as our characters.
ICT - Viking games
In ICT we have been creating our own 3D computer games. A selection of our games can be played below:
In Loxley during the last week of Autumn Term, we looked at the features of instruction texts, before following instructions to draw Santa, make snowflakes and wrap presents. A job well done to everyone, we’re clearly very good at following instructions.
For general enquiries please contact Helen Kearns in the school office.
Robin Hood Primary School Beckhampton Road, Bestwood Park, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 5NA, UK 0115 9153982 - admin@robinhood.Nottingham.sch.ukPaper copies of all documents and policies on the website are available from the school office.