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Robin Hood Primary School

Aiming High to Excel and Exceed

Spring Term 1

We enjoyed the opportunity to have a walk around our local area. We saw lots of different things and were able to talk about road signs, buildings and animals. Some children didn’t like the rubbish at Sandybanks and showed great respect by putting it in the bin!

In maths we have been looking at our number fluency. It has been really interesting using these trays with ten frames and magnets to help us to discover the answers.

Number Fluency in Maths

We enjoyed making Chinese lanterns and dragons for Chinese New Year. We are also learning about China for our ‘Where in the World Are We?’ project.
We had a great time during our China Day. We had a go at challenging ourselves using chopsticks, making our own Chinese dragons, learning how to play on the drums, having a go at Chinese dancing and completing a great wall challenge.