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Robin Hood Primary School

Aiming High to Excel and Exceed

Spring Term 2

What a fantastic banner this is! Kacey and Riley made it to say thank you to all the keyworkers (including their own mum) who are working so very hard during this time. Lots of you have also been sending your rainbow pictures in which are also amazing!

Some of the beautiful rainbow pictures the children have made 🌈
Here are the spellings for this week (week beginning 30th March).  This will be the last set of spellings for the spring term, there will be a new set posted in two weeks at the beginning of the summer term.  

As promised, here are the spellings for year 2 for this week.  These were also sent via MarvellousMe yesterday.  New spellings will be posted next Wednesday but if you can't wait that long, you can practice reading and writing the year 2 Common Exception Words that are in your Learning Log!


What a brilliant STEAM week Year 2 have had! On Monday we investigated which materials were waterproof for a particular purpose. Tuesday we looked at designed and creating buildings and vehicles out of Lego. On Wednesday we visited Arnold Fire Station and had a brilliant time learning about the fire service of past and present. The rest of the week was taken up with art and maths activities.