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Robin Hood Primary School

Aiming High to Excel and Exceed

Summer Term

This term the children are going to be learning all about enclosures and animals and answering our project question ‘Should animals be kept in an enclosure?’ We have been learning about different animals already through the books ‘Billy’s Bucket’, ‘The tiger who came to tea’ and ‘The rainbow fish’. Here are some of our wonderful buckets and pieces of independent writing to accompany them.

The children worked collaboratively to group animals into vertebrates or invertebrates. They then chose an animal and wrote a short piece about it independently.

Exploring the orchard in search of signs of spring.

As part of Outdoor Learning Day class Scarlett went orienteering with Mr Gray. They worked in pairs and had to use their problem solving skills; mathematical skills; collaborate as well as running about. They had to find each card and then find the correct question to answer.

On the 20th of May we celebrated RSC day with the play ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. The children really enjoyed learning more about the play and the characters, particularly Puck who is a mischievous fairy! The children labelled an image of Puck, wrote about the magical wood using adjectives and then designed their own fairy. They then took a dolly peg home and created these amazing fairies! Super impressed!

In Maths we have been learning more about money. In this session we matched the amount to the coin or note in pence and pounds.

The children have been learning about different animals. They chose one to write a report on. First, they started by writing down key information and used this to form their first report draft. They then did their final report, making sure everything was correct.

Our animal enclosures