Our family school competitions are extremely important to us here at Robin Hood but also for the other schools in the area. These types of competitions allow for a variety of pupils that may not get picked for the city competitions to take part in competitive sport. Its a great opportunity for all and all the pupils that take part thoroughly enjoy taking part.
Please see below for picture of our year 5/6 Ultimate Frisbee competition...
The next installment of our Family schools competition was a Hockey tournament taking place at Southglade Primary School. All pupils had a fantastic time with Southglade winning the competition with a narrow margin on goal difference. Looking forward to the Summer Term when we host the next competition.
For general enquiries please contact Helen Kearns in the school office.
Robin Hood Primary School Beckhampton Road, Bestwood Park, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 5NA, UK 0115 9153982 - admin@robinhood.Nottingham.sch.ukPaper copies of all documents and policies on the website are available from the school office.