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Robin Hood Primary School

Aiming High to Excel and Exceed

Summer Term

First day back after the Easter holidays and the children have been busy! In the afternoon, they made flip book animation cards for Computing and impressed with their amazing learning logs!

The children have been exploring plants today in Science. We looked closely through microscopes and then discussed the functions of each part.

A super PE session this week, where the children have been working together to create a stable hula hut which they can sit in and climb through.

Another week of excellent learning logs and spelling books 😊

The children have explored transportation in plants today by conducting several experiments. They learnt about xylem, capillary action and how plants need water to survive.

The children have been using the animation app on the iPads. It took a little while but we saw plenty of amazing animation clips once we got started!

Excellent spelling books and learning logs this week. These are the ones that particularly blew me away!!

The children have been learning about seed dispersal and germination in science. We were very excited to see our seeds had started to germinate and some had grown long shoots! We looked closely at different seeds and investigated how they disperse.

A lot of team work discussion this morning. In PSHE we discussed the team work of our organs and how they keep us alive. We then went into PE and worked in teams to score the highest points 😊

Some excellent spelling books and learning logs this week 😊

Too many great spelling books and learning logs to choose from!! Well done!

In English, the children have been learning about explanation texts. We researched into them and then annotated several. We then wrote each section of our own explanation text about the life cycle of a plant 🪴

The children have been discussing their love of nature today. We then wrote a short quote about what we love and why.

Computing: We had great fun on Friday creating backgrounds and characters for an animation. The children worked so hard together to create these and the results were fantastic!

Another fabulous selection of spelling books and learning logs!

After a lovely half term break, we have received some excellent learning logs 😊 well done!

The children really enjoyed exploring the crumble kits. They were amazed when the sparkle lit up 😊

The children have been creating an effective aqueduct in History and discussed healthy relationships in PSHE.

The children have been learning about crumbles in DT. Today, they went into the Digital Zone to programme their crumbles.

We’ve had a great afternoon making our nightlights in DT. We cannot wait to see them in all their glory when we inset the crumble kit 😊

Some really good night lights from year 3! The children have been making night lights in DT and have finally completed them. Today we went up to the digital zone and added in the crumble to create the actual light. They were super effective. We then went and evaluated them.

We’ve been busy in year 3 today. We’ve analysed introductions and highlighted any features such as technical vocabulary and rhetorical questions. After that, we went into Forest School to search for minibeasts in science.

Due to excellent attendance this week, the children have had a pre summer fare turn on the inflatables 😊