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Robin Hood Primary School

Aiming High to Excel and Exceed

Autumn Term

Self Portraits 

To begin our Autumn term, and kick-start our new topic - All About Me, children created their own self portraits.  They used a mirror to look carefully at their faces, and chose which colours they needed to use for their skin, eyes and hair.  These portraits are now hung in our nursery to welcome visitors into the setting.  I’m sure you will agree, they did a great job! 

Kindness week 2021


During kindness week, children took part in different carpet sessions throughout the week, based around being kind.  We spoke about being a good friend, using kind hands, kind feet and saying kind words.  The children worked together to create our Kindness Heart which we hung up in the nursery to remind children to use their kind hands.  This was part of a whole school project and the children learned a lot about what it means to be kind.