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Robin Hood Primary School

Aiming High to Excel and Exceed

Autumn Term 1

We are learning about trees. We can label the parts of a tree and talk about which trees lose their leaves in winter. We enjoyed exploring a variety of leaves even though some were a bit prickly!
We are really enjoying our health and fitness lessons. We have been practising lots of skills too.  

PE - Health and Fitness

We have been learning the story of the gingerbread man. We can tell the story really well now and have enjoyed sequencing it too.  

Gingerbread Man

Did you know words have different jobs? Nouns are naming word and we found lots of labels around the classroom.
We explored the use of different mediums to create our own self portraits.

Self Portraits

We had a great parents open afternoon, exploring our topic of toys by recreating our favourite toys with Lego and also having the chance to read our favourites books with our grown ups.

Parents Open Afternoon

We have enjoyed exploring some old toys that Miss Davy brought in. We thought they were fun to play with.