Welcome to our Art Curriculum Page!
We are incredibly lucky at Robin Hood to have an Art specialist - Mrs Whiting. She teaches Art from Y1 to Y6 and we often spend time creating art in our inspiring Studio! Each year, a group of children are selected to be our Arts Ambassadors. These children represent the subject of Art and inspire a love of the subject in their peers. We have some great links to Art galleries and venues from across Nottingham City and have most recently been involved in the Schools of Tomorrow programme facilitated by Nottingham Contemporary.
We are very lucky at Robin Hood to have a partnership with the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Curve Theatre in Leicester.
On November 20th all the KS2 classes watched the RSC's production of
Two Gentlemen of Verona.
Our dancers from Year 5 and 6 Robin Hood Arts Academy performed at teh Top Valley Dance Academy Showcase in March.
We were really proud of you all. Well done.
For general enquiries please contact Helen Kearns in the school office.
Robin Hood Primary School Beckhampton Road, Bestwood Park, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 5NA, UK 0115 9153982 - admin@robinhood.Nottingham.sch.ukPaper copies of all documents and policies on the website are available from the school office.