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Robin Hood Primary School

Aiming High to Excel and Exceed

Spring Term 2

Steam Week

We had a fantastic time during steam week. We read ‘Stuck’ and ‘You can’t take an elephant on a bus’ and all our STEAM activities were based around these.


We designed and built roller coaster bridges made out of straws.

We did a science investigation using weights to test the strength of our bridges.



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We made our own prototype kites.
We then had a go at testing our kites to see how well they worked. We then tried to improve our designs.

Pilgrimage Day


In the first week of the new half term we had a Pilgrimage Day where we learnt about what pilgrimage means in different religions. We tried some meditation, shared food, discussed the Haaj, explored the River Ganges and heard about Bernadette of Lourdes.



In our work on shape, we explored 3D solids with the help of straws and modelling clay.



In our English work, we began to read the story of Matilda. We looked at play scripts and worked in small groups to act out some of the tricks Matilda played on her parents. 


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