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Robin Hood Primary School

Aiming High to Excel and Exceed

Gardening Club

Our Gardening Club is designed with the children at the heart, We want the children to show independence, collaboration and fantastic communication skills. Our gardening club also promotes a love of the environment and promotes pupils to have more awareness of the environment outside of school!

Watering our plants; weeding and planting potatoes.

Some of the potato plants we’re growing

Here is the crop we dug up in September.

Mrs Richardson joined us in gardening club to tell us about different wild plants, their uses and which are edible. We learned about dandelions, how they got their name & why they are known as dandelion clocks. We went on a nature walk around the school fields where we identified some of the wild flowers. She showed the children how to make dandelion cinder toffee, having previously made some for the children to eat. They also tasted wild flower pollen honey as a breadstick dip.

She also told them a story about flower fairies and clover in particular.

Potting garlic cloves to grow at home.

Garlic plant 4 weeks later.

Re-planting our pea seedlings.

First day of gardening club and we’ve been repotting spider plants and potting up baby spider plants.

Making planters out of recycled plastic bottles.

Planting Grape Hyacinth bulbs in more planters made from recycled bottles. These ones were attached to the fence on the path up to the reception area.

Transplanting some of our strawberry plants.

Planting Allium bulbs in the empty tyres in Key stage 1 planting area. Plus beginning to weed one of the KS2 beds.

Planting salad leaves to take home, plus weeding.

Crocus bulbs

Weeding the planting area in key stage 1 playground.

We’re trying an experiment, will the seeds out of a cedar cone grow? Also, can we get the seeds in a pine cone germinate and grow. We’ll have to wait & see!

Learning about pears: what they grow on; parts of a pear and colour of the seeds. 

Planting broad beans.

Watering and planting potatoes.

Weeding raised flower beds.

Gardening includes keeping the areas tidy so today we were litter picking in Forest school.


Today we were making hanging baskets with recycled materials. We planted Queen Fabiola bulbs, a summer flowering bulb. These will then be hung up around school.

Growing beans to hopefully become beanstalks.

Planting sunflower seeds 


Continuing preparing the trough and planting daffodil bulbs.

Repotting Spider plants to take home.

planting potatoes.