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Robin Hood Primary School

Aiming High to Excel and Exceed

Spring Term 1

As part of our ‘Where in the World are We?’ topic we have been learning about China. We found Ping the Panda in our classroom and have been researching all about where she comes from. We looked at maps and the globe to find how far away China is from England and have been comparing the differences between China and England. We have even had a go at recreating traditional Chinese art.

We have been looking at our local area to tell Ping the Panda all about where we live. We went on a walk around our local area to see what there is. We had a great time and got to see lots of places like Sandy banks, shops, and other schools. We are going to create leaflets to give others information about our local area.

As we have been learning lots about China, we had an assembly to the F2 and year 2 classes and some of our grown-ups, telling them what we have been learning about this from half term and to retell the story of the Chinese New Year.