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Robin Hood Primary School

Aiming High to Excel and Exceed

Spring Term

This week, year 2 watched as Mr Overton burned the Tudor houses we made. The children sang ‘London’s Burning’ and enjoyed recapping on The Great Fire of London facts.

In Class Sherwood we write letters and sent our Flat Stanleys to Australia, America and Switzerland. We were very excited to receive replies! 

In English, Class Forest wrote to some children in Poland to find out more about them and where they live. We received letters from them and their Flat Stanley’s had lots of fun visiting our school!

We had a great time investigating the properties of materials.

Red Nose Day!

We had a great ambassador day! we engaged in team sports, competitive games and mindful activities.

What a fantastic start to the new term! Our new project questions is how can lessons from history help us today? We will learn about the Great Fire of London to help us answer this question. We enjoyed following instructions on how to make a Tudor house and we created collages and silhouette pictures of the fire.

Spanish day! We had a great time learning about Spanish cuisine and culture. We learnt about attractions in different cities in Spain and even learnt some greetings and colours in spanish.

In Design and Technology this term we designed and made vehicles for F2 children to play with. We carried out research by speaking to the F2 children in our school about the type of moving toys they would like to play with. We used these ideas to design our vehicles. Before we made our vehicles we explored the mechanisms used to make a moving product. We used axles and wheels to make out vehicles move.